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元智電子報 NO.559


元智大學新世紀領袖培育計畫團學生,5年前起自發性籌備國際志工服務計畫,進行縮短世界貧富差距及降低數位落差的國際志工服務,今年依然持續組隊的理念,將於7 月再度遠赴南亞尼泊爾,協助加德滿都小學網路教室建置並進行電腦教學。此次並獲得微星科技電腦公司贊助9台筆記型電腦,捐贈儀式6月22日中午於元智大學 舉行。

  元智新世紀領袖學生,是以優異成績進入學校就讀的一群學生,5年前開始申請到學校國際交流基金及行政院青輔會之經費補助,進行縮短世界貧富差距及降低數位 落差的國際志工服務,5年來足跡遍及北印度大吉嶺、非洲馬拉威及東非肯亞及南亞尼泊爾,將元智「服務學習」的版圖從校園拓展到世界各地。

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元智大學新世紀領袖培育計畫團4年前自發性籌備國際志 工服務計畫,展開縮短世界貧富差距及降低數位落差的國際志工服務,陸續前往印度大吉嶺、非洲馬拉威及肯亞奈洛比,今年7月前往尼泊爾加德滿都,協助 Himalayan小學建置網路教室與基礎教學,辛苦付出廣獲當地小朋友真摯的感謝。

尼泊爾位於喜瑪拉雅山腳下一個內陸深山的小國家,元智學生先與當地EPF Nepal基金會聯繫,獲悉當地小學的資源匱乏,籌備團隊活動公關長黃翰生說,籌備團隊共募集福特六和公司15台二手電腦、書香再傳160本英文圖書,2名老師與14名學生也自備多類小紀念品與各項電腦軟體前往尼泊爾。

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Computer Training Program in Dhading 2010  -  26/07/2010
The 3rd year Computer Training Program in NEPAL 

The Computer classes began from 16 July 2010 with the informal opening ceremony in the Nilkantha Resource Center. Mr. Ram Nath Adhikari, the District President of Nepali Congress, Mr. Ramesh Prasad Dhamala, the President of EPF Nepal, Mr. Bhupendra Kumar Shrestha, the Principal of Nilkantha Campus, Mr. Baburam Adhikari, the Principal of Nilkantha Higher Secondary School, and Mr. Raju Gurung, the Student Leader had participated the program and delivered their speeches. All the speakers had welcomed to the New Century leadership Club and praised for the computer education program. 

This year's trainees are the teachers and students from the Nilkantha Campus and Balmindir School, they are divided into morning (8-11am) and afternoon (1-4pm) sections compromised both advanced and basic classes, total four classes and 104 trainees in this program. There were 11 members from New Century Leadership Club worked with the coordinators, teachers and students to run computer training. 

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EPF Nepal in collaboration with New Century Leadership group of Yuan Ze University successfully completed the computer training program on 17 July 2009.

The closing ceremony was held in Shree Pashupati Secondary School on 18th July 2009. The program Was Chaired and ended with the bilingual(English and Nepali) speech of Mr. Ramesh Prasad Dhamala the chairperson of EPF Nepal. The Chief Guest of the program was honorable minister Dr. Minendra Rijal (the minister of Federal affairs constituent assembly, parliamentary affairs and culture). The occasion was full of joys and tears. The people of Sangkos and teachers who attended this training were very thankful. On the occasion, EPF-Nepal provided the token of love and appreciation letters to the Prof. Kuan Song Lin, the teacher Ms. Ruby Kao and the New Century Leadership Club Members from Yuan-Ze University. At the meantime, total 50 teachers were awarded with certification by EPF-NEPAL, 9 laptops were donated from MSI Computer Company Taiwan through Professor LIN, (Yuan-Ze University) to out chief guest.

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Volunteers from Yuan-Ze University visited CFO-NEPAL on 1st and 2nd July and brought more Culture and Art programs to share with us. In 2008, a group of 15 volunteers from new century leadership club of YZU donated 10 computers to Himalayan Academy School and conducted the very first practical computer classes for 2 weeks. Their goal is to develop the computer education in developing countries, with the cooperation of EPF-NEPAL, they has started their first computer education program in KTM, NEPAL. They have been in Africa and India for computer education program in the past 4 years.

     The children of CFO-NEPAL gained great opportunities to learn computer in a practical way due to the donation and education program started last June. In 2009, YZU’s computer education volunteers returned to Nepal and marched to Dhading District for computer training program, targeting on secondary schools teachers, to help them computerize administration work and enhance their teaching skills by using computer. Before set off to the village, our eight excellent volunteers had visited CFO and held Art and Sport program.

     The beauty of Chinese Calligraphy was introduced to senior children from class 5 to 9. The creative finger painting by ink was very popular among the junior kids from KG to class four. Playing balls with our kids pull everyone closer in few minutes. Children were singing the Chinese song to welcome our volunteers which was taught by the consultant of children development, Ms. Monica Lin. One the other hand, the Nepali national song was presented and the popular folk song-Rasham Pilili was taught by children. The happy time was shorter than we could image, our volunteers presented two basketballs and 1 football, with additional one Oxford dictionary as a farewell gift. By the end, they promised that we will come back next year



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 EPF Nepal in coordination with Yuen Ze University Taiwan and MSI Computer Company, running a Computer training program in Sangkos, Dhading from 7-18 July 2009. The volunteers are from New Century Leadership student club of Yuan-Ze Univeristy, Taiwan. For this program, a group of eight students and 2 teachers are accommdated in Little Stars Primary School in Sangkos, Dhading during the training period. The student trainers are led by Mr. Steven Chang, the president of New Century Leadership with 7 excellent members namely: Grace, Bear, Billy, Chloe,Ian, Elsie and Jannie, supervised by Ms. Ruby Kao and Professor Kuan Song Lin.

In 2008, EPF-NEPAL had worked with a group of 15 from Yuan Ze University for computer education in Kathmandu Nepal. The group had given computer education to the students of Himalayan Academy School in Kalanki Kathmandu, and established a library in school. This year the group of 8 persons conducted the computer program in Dhading Nepal. There are all together 55 teachers from five schools attended this training: Pashupati Secondary School, Manarupee Secondary School, Sangkosh Secondary school, Rana Devi Primary School and Little Stars Primary School. The participants learned actively in the training program and presented their learning result on 18th of July. The computer training program has its focus on teaching practical computer skills to handle teachers’ daily administrative work. In addition, the cultural exchange program was held to intorudce Taiwanese culture by showing video and teaching songs. On the other hand, volunteers are learning how to sing and dance nepali songs to know more about Nepali culture.

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